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Academia Lingu

Academia Lingu is a platform, which aims to give equal language education to all internet users, based on blockchain technology. Learner who wants to practice a language on this platform may reach level based news and articles for his or her own interest, identify his or her level and need, take or give peer to peer sessions. Kids may learn a language without notice in a fun way. Beside these, learner may also use platform only to improve his/her speaking skill.

as a Learner
Academia Lingu offers its users explicit, first-hand and permenant education. Learner may plan the process.

as an Institute
The education that institute offers won’t be limited but will be limitless and international thanks to Academia Lingu.

as a Teacher
Teachers will be able to move away from traditional and limited teaching methods to their own innovative and personalized approaches.
01.07.2018 - 30.09.2018
  • Education