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Arfreyr is an m-commerce platform which brings AR (Augmented Reality) and e-commerce together. AR is an integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. It comes in various forms such as mobile phones and smart glasses. Basically, it uses the physical world we know and overlays new information on top of it. "PinTrip" by Freyr Studio is their first AR based navigation app. The App is available on the AppStore and received quite well reviews so far.

We aim to build a platform that provides detailed product information in a visual way. We aim to create an ecosystem that will unite customers, merchants and suppliers on a blockchain platform for trading goods across the globe where crypto and fiat can coexist. Our platform will be a bridge between the physical world and the digital world. Through our app, you will be able to visualise the products just like you are actually wearing/using it, and purchase them without even leaving your house and going to a store.
01.09.2018 - 30.11.2018
  • Business services
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Internet
  • Platform
  • Retail
  • Smart Contract
  • Software