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Cryptocells is crowdsourcing innovation through gamification to drive user engagement - with the goal of saving human lives.
The tokenized, collectible, modifiable, tradeable and potentially real bio assets foster innovations in biotech and medical science.

We enable our users to contribute to solutions to the biggest health challenges of our time. The challenges are either ongoing games such as protein folding or CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, or short-term targeted crowd-driven contests by companies and organizations for their unsolved problems with a given monetary prize pool.

More than 10 million people a year could die from antibiotic-resistant bacteria (“Superbugs”), warns a United Nations report.

Bacteria like Acinetobacter baumannii, resistant to almost every antibiotic in the pharmacological arsenal, are on the rise. In a 2019 report called No Time to Wait, the United Nations warned that by 2050, multidrug resistant infections could kill upwards of 10 million people a year around the world. Almost all big pharma companies have stopped antibiotic research, because “they aren’t profitable enough”, and governments are widely unmotivated. So it's up to the crowd to come up with innovative solutions.

To participate, users are required to own CC9 tokens, which can be differentiated into tokenized bio assets such as a Proteins, DNA, Bacteria, Viruses, or Organs. These Bio Assets can then be collected, breeded, developed into new shapes and forms, or traded on the marketplace.
03.10.2019 - 31.12.2019
  • Health